Jeg arbejder nu i 12. år som selvstændig praktiserende psykolog med en bred vifte af psykiske problemstillinger, der spænder fra smerte – og stresshåndtering til supervision, debriefing og akutkrise hjælp i større og mindre sammenhæng i Danmark og udlandet. Desuden holder jeg kurser i mindfulness og smertehåndtering, og jeg holder foredrag i forskellige psykologiske emner. Jeg har et frugtbart samarbejde med diverse institutioner og læger i Horsens. Jeg har tit brug for mit modersmål med engelsktalende klienter.
My path to becoming a psychologist has been a developmental and seasoning process over many years, which has taken the form of an interaction between theory and practice. Studies of anthropology and psychology at Århus University and supplementary courses in therapeutic practice after graduation on the one side and on the other side working professionally with alcoholics, drug abusers, criminals, handicapped, refugees, children in Child Institutions, homeless and socially disadvantaged people. This work has been in Local Council institutions and projects and as a teacher in a Danish Folk High School.
This experience compliments my educational background, and provides a strong integration of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. I have a practical approach to psychology, which helps both children and adults to feel comfortable and relaxed, and it makes it possible for me to relate to people with a simple, understandable and non-psychological language. I find, moreover, that my teaching and educational experiences within special needs areas provide a strong base for disseminating psychological knowledge and accommodating strong emotions in a down to earth way.
I keep up to date with the newest research in psychology and mind/body connection through scientific journals, books, courses and seminars. I have a special interest in the following areas: Anger management, Short Term Dynamic Therapy, Experiential Therapy, Existential Therapy, Crisis Therapy, Emotional Phobia, Cognitive Therapy, Mindfulness, hypnosis, mind-body connection, the influence of breathing on thoughts, emotions and feelings.
We tend to try desperately to think us out of problems, but the mind may seem to have its own negative life.
At bearbejde tankeprocesser alene er ikke nok. Den nyeste forskning viser nemlig, at hjernelag groft svarende til tanker, følelser og krop alle skal aktiveres under psykoterapi for at varig psykisk forandring kan finde sted. Spændinger, smerter, hovedpine, svækket immunforsvar, dårlig kropsholdning, kropslig uro, eksem, og meget mere kan være udtryk for at man ikke trives psykisk. Disse kropslige gener er ubehagelige og vi gør derfor hvad vi kan for at slippe af med dem.
The physical symptoms may, however, be the expression of emotions trying to tell us something important, but we will not hear it, because it causes too much emotional pain. Emotional pain is experienced in the body in much the same way as physical pain, so by avoiding the emotional pain we ignore the chance to address the problem. I work therefore with due attention to physical symptoms as signals from the body calling for change in life strategies.
Who has sufficient training and experience to work with psychological methods?
There are many different groups of professionals, who uses psychological methods. Many people find it difficult to separate the various groups of professionals and confuse therefore often the most well-known professionals – psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists.
In Denmark, there are no rules for who may provide psychological treatment. This means that anyone can offer psychological methods and start taking clients. Therefore, there is a good reason to be critical, when you need psychological assistance.
Psykolog er en beskyttet titel i Danmark. Kun personer, som har bestået en 5 årig universitets uddannelse i psykologi, har ret til at kalde sig ‘psykolog’. Behandlende psykologer skal derudover helst være autoriseret af Psykolognævnet. En autorisation gives efter at bestå en praktisk terapeutuddannelse af 2 års varighed. Psykologer har tavshedspligt og skal helst til stadighed orientere sig om de nyeste og mest effektive forskningsbaseret tiltag og metoder indenfor behandling. Psykologens primære arbejdsmetode er samtalen.
A psychiatrist is a doctor with specialist training in psychiatry (the treatment of the mentally ill). Psychiatrists working tools are most often medication, but some also work with talk therapy. Some psychiatrists also have training in psychotherapy. Most psychiatrists work in psychiatric hospitals with the most serious mental illnesses, but they can also have privat clinics.
"Psychotherapist" is not a protected title in Denmark. Therefore anyone can call themselves a psychotherapist, without this says anything about the individual's educational or experiential background.
Hypnose er nemt at lære på korte kurser og synes at være en nem løsning på psykiske problemer. Men menneskets psyke er meget kompleks, sammensat og forskelligeMennesker har brug for at have en balanceret, bevidst og nuanceret forhold til følelser, emotioner og tanker for at handle fornuftigt og i overensstemmelse med sig selv og omgivelserne.
Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can be used to suppress emotions, feelings and thoughts in potentially very negative ways. Therefore hypnosis should should only be practiced by professionals with psychological insight as well as proper training in hypnosis. I am trained in hypnosis, but use it only when I deem it appropriate, as it is very important that the client also takes conscious active responsibility for change. I do not use hypnosis as ”a quick fix”.